We are True Touch Collections a partner in your journey to achieve true beauty through living a safer, sustainable, and purposeful life. Beauty is a tricky thing. When we we’re younger, we’re often bombarded with information—from the media, people around us, and everywhere else—that to be beautiful, ironically, you have to conform. You have to abide by the latest trends, sport the latest fashion finds, etc. To be beautiful, you have to disregard your individuality and conform with the masses.

Hi, I’m Renee, founder of True Touch Collections, and I’ve had my fair share of struggles trying to figure out what it means to be “beautiful.” As a teenager, you understand how hard it is to fit in. I’ve resorted to various cosmetics, beauty products, and treatments, trying to fit in. I realized later on the damage these commercial products did to my body and my individuality. After some soul serching, it dawned on me that I didn’t have to fit in to be beautiful.

True beauty doesn’t come when you stifle your flaws; instead, beauty reveals itself when we learn to embrace them and let them shine.  Thus, in 2016, I finally started True Touch Collections. In starting this humble enterprise, I treated beauty with a multi-pronged approach—first, we have to understand our clients clearly. We must understand what they feel and what they know about beauty. Second, we must show ourselves that beauty starts with self-love and acceptance. The “flaws” that we thought were our burden actually make us unique, and the sooner we come to terms with them, the sooner we can move on. And third, beauty doesn’t have to come at the cost of the environment.

Our mission is to help everyone start their transformational journey to attain true beauty. To do that, we start by providing access to 100 percent safe, organic, and highly reliable personal care products. Our vision is to start a movement where people are more empowered to be more confident and beautiful without being overly reliant on commercialism to validate their feelings. We aim to achieve this by creating top-notch quality natural products that are completely safe for our bodies and the planet.

True Touch Collections is committed to providing clean and safe botanical personal care product lines that are naturally sourced. Our foundations are built on great products and the value of self-love, self-awareness, and empowerment to achieve one’s inner fulfillment of their defined beauty.  There’s real power in realizing that beauty starts from within. So, start your transformational journey by using products that not only make you beautiful but also have the environment’s best interests in mind. Try out the True Touch Collections and reveal your inner beauty. 


Beauty is never flawless; rather, it shines through your flaws. Our mission is to help everyone to embark on their incredible transformational journey. True Touch Collection is committed to providing 100 percent safe, organic, and highly reliable personal care lines. Our objective is to raise awareness about self-love and empower all the people out there to define their own beauty. We constantly focus on developing nontoxic brands to make you well equipped to become a more sustainable, more natural, and more authentic version of yourself.


True Touch Collections strives to become the leading brand in the U.S to develop best performing organic beauty lines for every type of skin and hair. We believe that self-care is the new health care and aspire to make it possible by creating top-notch quality natural products that are completely safe for our bodies and planet.  


All of the beauty lines we create are premised on our basic mantra, “Real beauty begins from within.” This philosophy is deeply embedded in the roots of our company. We create high-performance, non-toxic products that give you the confidence to recognize and value your natural beauty without damaging your body and planet.


COVID-19 update: True Touch Collections LLC.continues to deliver! Find out what we are doing to ensure your shipments are delivered reliably and safely.